Managing money can be a real challenge. It can be difficult to know how much to spend and how much to save.
It can also be difficult to predict what might happen in a few weeks time, or a few months time and whether you might need money for certain things. Maybe you owe money to people and have some debt? It may be helpful to you to start dealing with debts.
Benefits. Are you entitled to any? You will want to have the correct benefits that you are entitled to, as this is your right and it will also help you to get started with managing your money. Does the benefits system appear complicated to you? Sometimes it can be difficult know which benefits you may be entitled to. Do you know how to find out? Are you able to complete all the 'benefits paperwork' correctly? You will need a bank account and personal identification so that your benefits can be paid to you safely.
If you agree with any of the above, you can choose to have support with all or any of these:
- Managing your money
- How to save money
- Making a budget plan
- Making sure you are getting the benefits you are entitled to
- Opening a suitable bank account
- Getting reliable personal indentification
- Making a debt record sheet so that you can sort out the best way to pay off debts. We can also contact debt agencies and advisors on your behalf to set up payment plans
- Contacting utility providers (gas water and electricity companies) to set up payment plans, and to get help and advice about paying bills
- Setting up a temporary appointeeship service if you wish. This means that our sister service, SiLS, or another company, will manage your money for you until you feel ready to manage it yourself