Acorn Supported Housing

Everybody needs somebody... Family?

If you have family, Acorn considers that this can be an important support network outside of the service. Family can often provide valuable emotional and social support. Parents, grandparents and grandchildren, uncles, aunts, in-laws and cousins may be able to play an important role in your life.

Maybe you have lost touch with a family member or a friend who is really important to you? Or, you may wish to have a closer relationship with members of your family or with a friend. This can often help with overcoming and managing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Renewing relationships can really improve our life.

Would you like to identify members of your family or a friend who could be supportive? 


Everybody needs somebody... In the community?

A good way of spending time and making new friends is to join a social activity. Do you know what is available in your area?  If you don't, would you like to find out? You may find new interests and also find new friends!

The purpose of Acorn is to support you to become more independent (needing us less). Renewing family relationships and  making friends could really help you to change and improve your life.


If you think this is for you, Acorn can support you with all or some of these:

finding out what is available to join in your local area (a good way of making new friends)

building confidence to join in activities

contacting family

contacting friends

building 'people networks'