One of the best ways to have more income is to be have a paid job. However, not everyone is ready to get a job for lots of different reasons. If this is the case, there are many other ways that you can contribute in your local community or to help you get the skills you need to one day get a job.
If you think you can work, would you like to get a job? There are many areas to think about as you take the first steps towards employment. For example, you will need a bank account so that your wages can be paid to you. You also need personal identification. Do you have both of these? See 'Managing your money' for more information.
What would you like to do? This can be a very difficult question to answer! If you already have ideas, you may need training first. Or you could take a college course to brush up on your skills before taking the next step...
If you do not know what sort of job you would like, you could try a course at college to find out where your strengths are and what you enjoy doing. You would meet new people too. See also 'Social and Family Networks'
There is also voluntary work. Some people do this as practice for paid work. Volunteers are always needed and this could help you get into the routine needed for being employed. For example, you need to get to work on time, you should be reliable, friendly and enthusiastic and so on.
Being involved in your community by taking voluntary work, training to do a job or going to college is a great thing to do. It can help towards getting off benefits and also give you the opportunity to move on from the Acorn service and into your own home.
If you are interested in the above, you can have support with all or some of the followng:
- Finding a local college and enrolling on a course of your choice
- Finding other services that offer training
- Enrolling on basic skills courses (e.g. maths, English)
- Contacting and registering with emplyment agencies at your local job centre
- Getting a CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Preparation for interviews for training, college of employment
- Talking with employers who may offer you work
- and more !